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Male hands resting on table with cardboard cut-outs representing diverse members of the public in front

Equality, diversity and inclusion in market research


FieldworkHub is a company which is female led and from the very start a high proportion of our team members have come from minority ethnic backgrounds. As such, inclusivity has always been part of our company DNA and we strive to ensure that the research we conduct gathers perspectives from diverse groups, including ethnic minorities, […]

A black woman smiling as she types on a laptop computer

Is market research still happening?

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In the past you may have taken part in face-to-face market research and perhaps you are wondering what has happened  to these projects as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.  During lockdown all face-to-face market research was paused so companies wanting to carry out research started looking at alternative online methodologies . As we emerge […]

Group of young people viewing laptop as part of market research

Why should I join a focus group? A guide for Generation Z

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Opinions –  everyone’s got one. And there’s no shortage of platforms to share them on. From online satisfaction surveys to live chats and social media, brands are hungry for them. It can feel like shouting into a void, but it doesn’t have to be one-sided exchange. You can make some quick, easy cash by taking […]

Diagram explaining the post-war generations from the Baby Boomers to Generation Alpha

FieldworkHub’s 2-minute guide to post-war generations


Don’t know your Generation X from your Generation Z? Our two-minute guide will put you straight.

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MyFieldworkHub is FieldworkHub's dedicated site for people who want to take part in market research studies. We are a UK-based market research agency, but we conduct research in many different countries.
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